Thursday 7 May 2015

Evaluation-Question 2

How does the Media Product represent a Particular social group?

I decided upon Pop/R&B music for the genre of my magazine. I aimed my magazine at students from the age 0f 16 till around 25. Some will be in  part time employment. I tried to represent this age group in my magazine firstly through the images I used within my magazine. I tried to use models of different ages in order to appeal to my target audience. I used a female model on my Front cover as after completing research I found my target audience would be more attracted to a magazine with a female model For my contents page I added an image of a younger female model and a male model, this is again to appeal to a variety of audience members.

The images I used also match in well with the genre I chose for my magazine. This is because I have on posing as a DJ, another as a pop artist and one posing with a guitar. This shows a variety of different music which would relate to the audience of my magazine. It would match their taste in music and would keep them interested. I also included a Top 10 Downloads list on my contents page which would again match the interests of my audience as the regularly download tracks. I ensured my models wore clothing which would relate to my readers interests. For example jeans and jumpers. This would interest my readers more as it would relate to their lifestyle choices.

I used informal language in my magazine as my readers are regular users of social media so would be more comfortable with 'informal chit-chat' this again relates to my readers age as they have grown up with technology so are more likely to be 'technophiles.' I also created a website, twitter and Facebook account which would again intrigue my readers as they are able to keep up with the magazine online. I also tried to reflect my readers interests through the content of my magazine like using 'Festival clothing' and 'DIY tips.' This relates to their interests as they are enthusiastic about clothing and trying new ideas. They also regularly attend music festivals and concerts so would be interested in festival clothing.

I appealed to my readers concert interest through the medium of competitions. I used competitions such as 'win concert tickets' for different artists. This would appeal to my readers as they do not have a lot of money due to university fees ect. So could attempt to get concerts tickets in a competition.

Overall, I think I related to my target audience well within my magazine. I tried to appeal to all their interests and show a variety of different ages and music tastes within my magazine content. I appealed to their interest in technology and music. I tried to include their lifestyle choice as well as their interest in music.

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