Friday 8 May 2015

Final Drafts of Pages

Development of Double Page Spread

Evaluation: Question 7

Evaluation: Question 5

Evaluation: Question 6

What have you learnt about new technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During the process of making my music magazine I have used a variety of technologies and software to create my pages.

Image result for indesign logoThe main software I have used for the creation of my pages is Adobe InDesign. I used InDesign for the creation of my three pages. I used InDesign to create all of my pages, I had practice with this software with my preliminary task before creating my music magazine. However, I had used similar software at GCSE for ICT so I was familiar with some aspects of InDesign before hand. InDesign played a big role in the creation on my Front Cover, Contents page and Double Page Spread. After time I found InDesign quite easy to use and really useful for the process in making my pages.

Image result for blogger logoBlogger also played a huge part in my coursework development. I had never used Blogger before starting my coursework, so I was completely new to the software. However, I found it easy to learn to use blogger and after time I found it easier to use. Blogger was helpful throughout the process of my Coursework as I have been able to upload all of my work ready to be marked. I think Blogger helps me to display my work in a neat manner, and makes it look attractive

Image result for photoshop logo
Photoshop has again been useful during the process of my coursework. I have used Photoshop in order to remove any unwanted backgrounds from my images. This was so that they could be placed onto my pages easily and I could avoid any clutter on my pages. Photoshop helped as I was able to keep a white background for all of my images which helped make my pages look more attractive.

Image result for prezi logoI need ways to display my work. Prezi was one way of display my work as it was an attractive way of displaying my work. I hadn't used Prezi before so it was again new to me. I found Prezi hard to use at the start but after doing a few of them. I liked using prezi to display my work as it looked attractive and neat. I used Prezi for so of my evaluation and for my preliminary task. 
Image result for slideshare logo

Another way to display my work is through SlideShare. To use SlideShare I firstly had to create a PowerPoint then upload it SlideShare. I found this easy to use as I had used PowerPoint many times before hand so it was a quick and easy method and made my work look attractive.

Image result for fujifilm cameraTo take my pictures I used a Fujifilm Camera. This was new technology to me as I hadn't used a camera like this before. It was useful to me however as it made images look attractive.

Image result for hp laptopsA final piece of technology which I used was a laptop and Internet explorer. I used a laptop in order to create my pages and the internet in order to complete my research into current magazines on the market and what would look good in a magazine.

Evaluation:Question 4

Evaluation: Question 3

What Kind of Media Institution might distribute your products and why?

Image result for bauer media logoI would like Bauer to distribute my music magazine 'Shuffle.' This is because Bauer is one of the biggest publishing groups in Europe. It distributes big magazine names such as Q and has an umbrella of business deals. Bauer has a portfolio of more than 600 magazines, over 400 digital products and 50 radio and TV stations around the world. Bauer as a publishing company are recognised world wide. I would like Bauer to distribute my product as they would help my magazine reach a wider audience.

In order to reach a wider audience I have made Shuffle a multi-media platform brand. I would like for Bauer to ensure each of these platforms achieve the same success. Bauer could help with Radio and Television, in order to make my other platforms of equal success and make my magazine more recognisable, like they do for Q Magazine.

Bauer connect with a wide audience and reach thousands around the world. This is the type of business I would want to distribute my magazine as I would want my audience to connect with my magazine as well as it reaching a vast audience. Even though IPC Media (now TimeIncUK) have a large portfolio of magazines, I feel Bauer would help push my magazine through the market and make it more recognisable internationally.

In order for my magazine to reach a wide audience within the UK, I would like the UK's largest distributor Frontline to distribute my magazine. Frontline distribute hundreds of magazines across the UK, this includes 54 of the top 200 selling titles in the UK. Frontline is a clear choice for distributor as they have such success. I feel if my magazine Shuffle is
distributed by Frontline, it would appeal to a wider audience.