Sunday 14 December 2014

What have I learnt?

After analysing music magazines which are currently on the market and past pupils pages I have gathered some ideas of what to include in my music magazine and what makes each page successful.

Front Cover
  • Needs to have a clear layout
  • Needs to have a variety of information on articles
  • Main image should take up majority of page to attract readers attention
  • Cover should not be too cluttered but have minimal dead space
  • Masthead needs to be attractive and relate to theme of magazine
Double page spread
  • Needs to have an attractive image to draw reader in
  • Page should be set up clearly and again not cluttered
  • Text should be broken down into small paragraphs
  • Multiplatform links should m noticeable (e.g. website)
  • Title of article needs to be clear and relate to the story
Contents page
  • A few images look more interesting than one
  • Not too many stories on the page
  • Needs to look attractive
  • Could make a list of events in local areas
  • Appeal to readers lifestyle, not just interest in music
I now have a clearer idea of what makes a good music magazine, and what I can include in mine to make it more appealing. I have found this activity useful to help me develop ideas on my music magazine.

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