Tuesday 16 December 2014

How will I make my magazine effective?

To make my magazine effective I will:
  • Ensure page numbers are used appropriately
  • Use multimedia platforms (e.g. a website)
  • Use 'Buzz words' on my contents page
  • Ensure my cover is not too cluttered but no dead space is visible
  • Ensure my cover has a clear layout
  • Make the contents page attractive and have at least three pictures visible on the page
  • Use size 11-12 font through out my magazine to make it aesthetically pleasing
  • Have a message from the editor on my contents page
  • Have section headings for my stories in my magazine
  • Make my article has brief paragraphs and is to the point
  • Have control over the mis-en-scene of my photographs so they fit in with the theme of my magazine
I feel all of these points are important to make an effective music magazine. Especially the mis-en-scene of my photographs. I have decided these points after looking at past pupils work and magazines currently on the market.

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