Tuesday 16 December 2014

Mood Boards

These are two mood boards which display the interests of my readers it displays what interests my readers are interested in, in their everyday lives as well as their musical interests. It shows they are interested in films, clothing make up and technology. The audience of my magazine is predominantly female and mainly students in either college or university. They also have regular visits to the cinema and go to festivals and concerts regularly. They purchase music regularly and enjoy a variety of films.

The results of my Questionnaires

How will I make my magazine effective?

To make my magazine effective I will:
  • Ensure page numbers are used appropriately
  • Use multimedia platforms (e.g. a website)
  • Use 'Buzz words' on my contents page
  • Ensure my cover is not too cluttered but no dead space is visible
  • Ensure my cover has a clear layout
  • Make the contents page attractive and have at least three pictures visible on the page
  • Use size 11-12 font through out my magazine to make it aesthetically pleasing
  • Have a message from the editor on my contents page
  • Have section headings for my stories in my magazine
  • Make my article has brief paragraphs and is to the point
  • Have control over the mis-en-scene of my photographs so they fit in with the theme of my magazine
I feel all of these points are important to make an effective music magazine. Especially the mis-en-scene of my photographs. I have decided these points after looking at past pupils work and magazines currently on the market.

Sunday 14 December 2014

What have I learnt?

After analysing music magazines which are currently on the market and past pupils pages I have gathered some ideas of what to include in my music magazine and what makes each page successful.

Front Cover
  • Needs to have a clear layout
  • Needs to have a variety of information on articles
  • Main image should take up majority of page to attract readers attention
  • Cover should not be too cluttered but have minimal dead space
  • Masthead needs to be attractive and relate to theme of magazine
Double page spread
  • Needs to have an attractive image to draw reader in
  • Page should be set up clearly and again not cluttered
  • Text should be broken down into small paragraphs
  • Multiplatform links should m noticeable (e.g. website)
  • Title of article needs to be clear and relate to the story
Contents page
  • A few images look more interesting than one
  • Not too many stories on the page
  • Needs to look attractive
  • Could make a list of events in local areas
  • Appeal to readers lifestyle, not just interest in music
I now have a clearer idea of what makes a good music magazine, and what I can include in mine to make it more appealing. I have found this activity useful to help me develop ideas on my music magazine.

Analysis of Contents pages