Tuesday 30 September 2014

School Magazine first drafts

This is the first design I came up with. It is the first of two designs that is created. I like this design as I think it is a clear and methodical layout to follow and I am pleased with it. There are a few aspects I would change but on the whole I am happy with it.

This is the Masthead that I designed for my first magazine. I chose to name the magazine 'School Chat' as i thought it would appeal to pupils as it makes the viewer think of gossip, which would appeal to teenagers I think. I chose Yellow with the black outline as it is the colours of the school and I thought the green complemented it very well

  This is the pug that I designed for this magazine. I thought mentioning healthy eating would appeal to some students as well as promote the school canteen. I decided to create the 'l' into a carrot as i thought it looked effective and complimented the subject of the pug

I decided to make the main story of this magazine about the drama team as I thought it would appeal to a variety of people as well as show off the schools extra curricula. I would like the main image to be of a group of people from the drama department. This is because it clearly matches the main heading and it also gives people the opportunity to visualise what the drama team actually look like. I think this story would appeal to many pupils through out the school.
I  made my smaller stories about topics that I felt would be useful to many members of the school. I chose revision and the head boy and head girl. I thought these stories would appeal to many people as all years struggle with revision and find it boring. I thought the head boy and head girl would be appealing to people as they may want to know the views of the head boy and girl and see if they agree

This is my second design for my school magazine. I liked this design as I thought it was a clear layout and looked attractive. I thought the design would appeal to many students
This is the masthead of my second design. I decided to call it 'School life' as I felt it was appropriate and went well with the theme of a school magazine. However I prefer the masthead of my previous design 'School Chat' as I feel it would appeal to more people than 'School life.'   
For the main image of this magazine I decided to use a photo of a 6th form student in the 6th form resource area. I thought that this image would appeal to many 6th formers and help bring more students to the resourse area. It is also helpful to many students as it gives them some information about the resources avalible to them as a 6th former

This is the pug that I designed for this magazine. I designed it as I thought music would appeal to many teenagers at the school and I made it more appealing by trying to transform the 's' an 'i' in music look like musical notes
This is the design i created as the footer for my final magazine. I want the design to be the same for each of the covers I created. I created my footer based on other magazines currently on the market 
 I created my smaller stories on topics that I felt would be helpful to students. One was of a UCAS for giving tips on how to fill one out for pupils who need to complete one. The other was of the leisure centre to show the surroundings of the school and what acilities are avalible to pupils.


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