Thursday 6 November 2014

School Magazine-Front Cover Evaluation


Futher Evaluation

Three strenghts of my Front cover:
* My Main Image
* My Masthead
* My Pug
Three targets of improvement for my Front Cover:
* My Subsidiary Images
* Too much dead space
* Use of sell lines (could have used more)
After discussing my magazine cover with my teacher I came up with the suggested improvements shown above. I will use these improvements when I am completing my music magazine cover to ensure my mark is raised. I am happy with the improvements I have made with my teacher as I feel they are apropriate and will give me a higher mark for my music magazine cover.

Monday 3 November 2014

Evaluation of my School Magazine


School Magazine Evaluation


How have you used media conventions in your preliminary task?
In terms of Media Conventions I have used a variety of conventions which are used on ordinary magazines. I used a main image of a student looking directly at the camera which would help draw the audience in. I also used a Splash to match my main image to create a story. I used a pug on my front cover so that it looked professional and finally I used a fotter and subsidiary images along with a masthead. However in terms of my music magazine in order to make it look effective I will add a header bar, a logo and maybe a bar code.
How have you used media language in your product?
I created my school magazine in order to fit in with a school enviroment. I used the yellow and green colours of my font as the yellow is the colours of the school and I felt the graan complimented it well. The main image I used is supposed to be a friendly image in order to draw the audience in. I chose the layout as I felt it was a methodical and easy to understand. I feel my magazine met the task well and would easily fit into a school environment. 

How did you address your audience?
I fell my magazine would appeal to my chosen target audience of all school years as well as both genders. I fell I covered a variety of aspects of school life which would appeal to many pupils. I covered sport, drama and work. I feel I gave useful and informative stories which would fit in well with the environment. I feel the colour scheme would appeal to everyone as it is not gender specific and I feel my main image is a friendly image for the audience to see. 

What skills have you developed during the preliminary task?
I have developed my research as I looked at a variety if past examples before creating my magazine. I also feel I have developed my planning skills as I feel I effectively planned my magazine before I made it, my plan was easy to follow and was a great help when creating my final draft. I feel these skills will be a great help for the creation of my music magazine. 

Overall I am very pleased with my finishe school magazine an I am pleased with the way I handled the task an I feel my new skills will be helpful to create my music magazine.